Florida COVID-19 Data

2020-11-03 11:08:56


When Day Positive New Positive Since Deaths New Deaths Since Total
Yesterday 2020-11-02 812,063 0 17,043 0 6,223,860
The Day Before 2020-11-01 807,412 4,651 16,997 46 6,199,281
Last Week 2020-10-27 786,311 25,752 16,709 334 6,014,492
2 Weeks Ago 2020-10-20 760,389 51,674 16,308 735 5,767,947

Parsed from the Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard.

Prior to 2020-04-25, Florida DOH published updated data twice per day. Starting 2020-04-25, Florida DOH updates once per day at approximately 11am. Since 2020-05-06, the updates are occasionally later in the day. In the following charts, for a given day, I use the last value reported prior to 8am of the subsequent day. I take snapshots of the various FL DOH data sources at 7am, noon and 7pm daily.

Confirmed Cases

Hospital and ICU Utilization

Daily Testing

Cases and Deaths by Age


The data structure and format of the released data changes frequently. I’m keeping track of the impact of these changes in this repo in NEWS.md.

FL DOH Dashboard

One table is extracted from the Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard.

The timestamp column of indicates when the dashboard was polled for changes.

Testing statistics prior to 2020-03-16 18:00:00 EDT were imported from https://covidtracking.com.

Snapshots and Data Capture

Initially this repo gathered data from the Florida Department of Health COVID-19 status page. This page has been reformatted several times and the data structure changes frequently, so currently I am collecting snapshots of the webpage and not trying to parse these tables.

I am also capturing a snapshot (HTML) and screenshot of the Florida’s COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard. Data extracted from the dashboard are currently used for the current test count summaries, available in covid-19-florida-tests.csv.

Prior to the afternoon of 2020-03-18, the dashboard reported county-level case counts. Around 4pm on 2020-03-18, the dashboard layout was modified, making these counts inaccessible. Similarly, prior to this update I was relying on the reported “last update time” listed in the dashboard, but since then I have been using the time at which the dashboard was checked for any time stamps from this source.

On the same day that county-level data became inaccessible in the dashboard, FL DOH started releasing PDF reports, which I have begun to collect in pdfs/. The name of the report contains a time stamp, therefore I am periodically checking the FL DOH web page for the updated link. I’ve been able to extract most of the data from the PDF tables. Individual tables are stored in time stamped folders, using the time stamp in the PDF file name. The unified data files are available in data/ and prefixed with covid-19-florida_pdf_.